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dc.contributor.authorCárdenas Castro, María Paula
dc.contributor.authorEmayusa Dueñas, Luis Alejandro
dc.description.abstractEl objetivo de esta revisión es identificar los principales factores que influyen y afectan la inseminación por método transcervical en cabras, realizado a partir de la recolección y selección de artículos de idioma inglés, español y portugués de revistas indexadas y centros de recolección bibliográfica electrónicos como Sciencedirec, ScIELO, Researchgate, SCOPUS, entre otras. Seleccionando los artículos de investigación con una antigüedad no mayor a cinco años. En la inseminación artificial es fundamental identificar factores que se presentan y cómo influyen en la producción, por ejemplo, la inseminación artificial con semen congelado ocasiona una reducción en la fertilidad que se genera por la aparición de daños en los espermatozoides por los procesos de congelación y descongelación. El uso de hormonas como prostaglandinas, progestágenos y gonadotropina coriónica equina en los distintos tratamientos y en periodos tanto largos como cortos tienen una incidencia en las tasas de fertilidad y gestación. También la selección de animales con correcta conformación anatómica y morfológica en cuanto a sus órganos reproductivos, aplomos, capacidad cardiaca y pulmonar son un factor principal en el éxito de un programa reproductivo. Además, de un programa de sanidad y alimentación que garantice un estado de salud y nutrición que permita el correcto funcionamiento fisiológico del animal y evite la presencia de estrés. The objective of this review is to identify the factors that influence and affect insemination by transcervical method in goats, carried out from the collection and selection of English, Spanish and Portuguese language articles from indexed journals and electronic bibliographic collection centers such as Sciencedirec, ScIELO, Researchgate, SCOPUS, among others. Selecting research articles, not older than five years. In artificial insemination it is essential to identify factors that occur and how they influence production, for example, artificial insemination with frozen semen causes a reduction in fertility since it is generated by the appearance of damage to the sperm in freezing and thawing . The use of hormones such as prostaglandins, progestogens and equine chorionic gonadotropin in the different treatments and in both long and short periods have an impact on fertility and pregnancy rates. Also, the selection of animals with correct anatomical and morphological conformation in terms of their reproductive organs, poise conformation, cardiac and pulmonary capacity are a main factor in the success of a reproductive program. In addition, a health and feeding program that guarantees a state of health and nutrition that allows the correct physiological functioning of the animal and avoids the presence of stress. The objective of this review is to identify the factors that influence and affect insemination by transcervical method in goats, carried out from the collection and selection of English, Spanish and Portuguese language articles from indexed journals and electronic bibliographic collection centers such as Sciencedirec, ScIELO, Researchgate, SCOPUS, among others. Selecting research articles, not older than five years. In artificial insemination it is essential to identify factors that occur and how they influence production, for example, artificial insemination with frozen semen causes a reduction in fertility since it is generated by the appearance of damage to the sperm in freezing and thawing . The use of hormones such as prostaglandins, progestogens and equine chorionic gonadotropin in the different treatments and in both long and short periods have an impact on fertility and pregnancy rates. Also, the selection of animals with correct anatomical and morphological conformation in terms of their reproductive organs, poise conformation, cardiac and pulmonary capacity are a main factor in the success of a reproductive program. In addition, a health and feeding program that guarantees a state of health and nutrition that allows the correct physiological functioning of the animal and avoids the presence of
dc.description.sponsorshipSede Fusagasugáspa
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectInseminación artificialspa
dc.subjectArtificial inseminationspa
dc.titlePrincipales factores que inciden en la inseminación artificial por método transcervical en la especie caprina (Capra aegagrus hircus) Main factors affecting artificial insemination by transcervical method in goat’s species (Capra aegagrus hircus)spa
dc.typeTrabajo de gradospa

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