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dc.contributor.authorRodríguez García, Miguel Ángel
dc.description.abstractConcern about the scarcity of natural resources, the limited availability of fertile land for planting, hunger in exponential growth and the constant concern of thinking that it should be consumed to maintain health are some of the environmental and social challenges that require new technologies. ,sustainable strategies and immediate action by producers, agronomists and the rural population ingeneral. A viable solution to this problem is to apply cultivation systems under the hydroponictechnique, which allows obtaining food without depending on the soil conditions and can be carriedout in confined spaces without major difficulties, a cause that allows to maintain and produce differenttypesofplants,fruits,flowers,vegetables,amongothers,withanoptimizedqualityduetotherational use of water, space and nutrients. This article review synthesizes the analysis of four cases ofhydroponics as a profitable business form and as a production alternative that contributes to the foodsecurityof the
dc.description.sponsorshipSede Fusagasugáspa
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International*
dc.subjectAgricultura de precisiónspa
dc.subjectSeguridad alimentariaspa
dc.subjectProducción de alimentosspa
dc.subjectPrecision farmingspa
dc.subjectFood safetyspa
dc.subjectFood productionspa
dc.titleCasos exitosos de hidroponía en cuatro municipios del departamento de Cundinamarcaspa
dc.typeTrabajo de gradospa

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