dc.description.abstract | Resumen: EI fin de esta Guía es establecer cómo las instituciones deben gestionar sus procesos de modo que cumplan con los criterios de calidad específicos, para asegurar que sus productos satisfagan las expectativas y necesidades de los usuarios. Su importancia radica en explicar de forma detallada la manera en la que se deben realizar actividades dentro de la institución, de esta manera se simplifican procedimientos y procesos realizados por los estudiantes. En dicha guía de procesos se encontrará de forma clara y explícita los pasos que deben seguir los estudiantes al momento de realizar un proceso, con el fin de fortalecer el servicio que se ofrece a la comunidad universitaria. Al crear esta guía para los estudiantes, permitirá a los funcionarios llevar a cabo su labor de forma más eficiente y rápida.
Con el desarrollo de esta guía se dispondrá de manera precisa la forma en la que un aspirante a primer semestre o estudiantes de semestre avanzado pueda actuar a la hora de solicitar un requerimiento en un momento dado. Con la guía se pretende aclarar dudas de forma rápida, sin leer grandes textos y evitar que se recurra continuamente a la oficina de PQR.
Esta guía de procesos será de fácil comprensión y entendimiento para cualquier usuario; escrito en un lenguaje práctico y sencillo para mayor beneficio.
Abstract: The purpose of this Guide is to establish how institutions should manage their processes to meet specific quality criteria to ensure that their products meet the expectations and needs of users. Its importance lies in explaining in detail the way in which activities must be carried out within the institution, thus simplifying procedures and processes performed by students. Since the University of Cundinamarca has been implementing the quality processes, there have been different gaps in the procedures that students should take when applying for any academic, administrative or welfare requirements. It is fundamental and vital for this working group to develop a mechanism to facilitate access to these applications, since a large part of the trauma in the students' academic and pecuniary process is due to the lack of knowledge about the steps to follow To be able to perform optimally the activities they wish to process.
In this process guide you will find in a clear and explicit way the steps students should follow when carrying out a process, in order to strengthen the service offered to the university community. By creating this guide for students, it will allow staff to carry out their work more efficiently and quickly.
The development of this guide will provide a precise way in which an applicant for the first semester or advanced semester students can act when requesting a request at any given time. The guide is intended to clarify doubts quickly, without reading large texts and avoid recurring recourse to the PQR office.
This process guide will be easy to understand and understand for any user; Written in a simple and practical language for greater benefit. | en_EN |